Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Reposting my other sculptures.

Nothing fancy about this post, just photos & brief descriptions of my previous crochet sculptures, since the prior info all got eaten (ok, ok, erased).
Pregnancy Goddess. First piece. Birth art. A self-portrait of a sort. (Yeah, I do look pretty much like that right now. Except not being made of yarn.) Worsted weight yarn, H hook, mostly SC. Breasts are Tr clusters, tummy HDCs.
Uterus, complete with fallopian tubes, ovaries, & purple cervix. The yellow isn't a smilie face, it's a c-section scar. I've had two. More birth art. Worsted weight yarn again, again mostly SCs, this time BLSC. (back loop single crochet)
Totally mundane Black Lace Heart. Done for my husband as an apology for leaving the uterus on his keyboard as a joke. Yet again, worsted weight yarn & SCs. (Get the impression I find this the easiest stitch to create 3-D objects with?)
Vulva. The piece that convinced half my online acquaintances I'm insane. The rest already figured as much. For the record, I am far from the only person who crochets vulvas, though I haven't seen another as purposely accurate as this. (Yes, I know it's not 100% lifelike.) Worsted weight yarn & a huge variety of stitches. Made because I'm tired of the attitude that women should be ashamed of their 'private parts.' The closest my Libertarian self comes to feminism.

1 comment:

Jen said...

The "birth goddess" one reminds me of a prehistoric sculpture called "The Venus of Willendorf" that we studied in my art history class!