Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A painful medium.

Wire hurts. Above is my first finished example of wire-and-bead crochet. I wanted to make the necklace from Cool Crochet, but I was afraid I didn't have enough wire, so I decided to make a bracelet with what I did have. It turned out OK for a first attempt.

I'd like to see if I can find finer wire. I found it impossible to maintain a steady stitch size since I was having to fight the wire to get it to move through the chains. And my finger that I use to control tension just hurts now. But at least I've managed to demystify bead crochet. At least, for me. I'd like to see if I can't get more consistent results with wire, though. I think I'm going to preemptively bandage my finger; maybe a little padding will help keep it from cutting into my skin so much. We'll see.

1 comment:

LadyLinoleum said...

I agree with you. Crocheted wire is a tough medium. I tried to make a few sculptures using crocheted wire in college. Basically, it was a painful and tedious process for me too. However, my friend is a jewelry artist and she loves it. Go figure.